If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


Combating Mental Illness and Substance Use Related Structural Stigma in Health-Care – A Framework for Action

Purpose In 2019, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) launched a program to better understand the problem of mental illness- and substance use-related structural ...
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Combating Mental Illness and Substance Use Related Structural Stigma in Health Care – A Framework for Action

In 2019, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) launched a program to better understand the problem of mental illness- and substance use-related structural stigma ...
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Catching Blind Spots in COVID-19 Health-Care Planning

Purpose In this time of emergency preparedness, health-care leaders at many levels are making important decisions about how to redeploy resources, what to consider an ...
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Structural Stigma in Health Care for Mental Health and Substance Use – Networking for the Design, Development, and Implementation of an Audit Tool

From October 1, 2019 to March 19, 2020, the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC’s) structural stigma research team explored the idea of developing an ...
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Businessman walking into mysterious maze, 3D generated image. | Homme d'affaires marchant dans un mystérieux labyrinthe, image générée en 3D.

Structural Stigma in Health-Care Contexts for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Issues – A Literature Review

People living with mental health and substance use issues need prompt access to quality health care. Sometimes they receive it, but often they do not. ...
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A doctor is shown interacting with a patient on a computer screen, on a tablet screen, and on the screen of a smartphone. | Un médecin est montré en train d'interagir avec un patient sur un écran d'ordinateur, sur un écran de tablette et sur l'écran d'un smartphone.

Stepped Care 2.0 – Where we have been, where we will go: A quality improvement workshop – Summary report

On November 20, 2018, the Mental Health Commission of Canada convened representatives from provincial and territorial governments, post- secondary institutions, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholder ...
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COVID-19 and Mental Health: Policy Responses and Emerging Issues- Preliminary Scan

Purpose The lessons learned to date from COVID-19, and from earlier disasters and epidemics, suggest that planning and reforms are needed to stay ahead of ...
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E-Mental Health Case Scenarios & FAQs: Building Capacity for Digital Health Services

Purpose Part of the Toolkit for E-Mental Health Implementation Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions and is the fourth leading contributor ...
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Cover of a Nanos report. A young woman with closed eye being consoled by someone putting hand on her shoulder

Canadians report an increase in feeling stressed regularly or all the time now compared to one month before COVID-19

Canadians report an increase in their level of stress from the month before COVID-19 to now, and most often cite concerns about contracting or a ...
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