If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


Mental Health, Technology, and You

WHEN IT COMES TO MENTAL HEALTH Not everyone has the same needs or expectations of care. Maybe you’re looking for ways to feel good and ...
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Animated photo of a group of people fixing the mind of a a big head.

Addressing the Access Gap: Leveraging the Potential of e-Mental Health in Canada

Summary Canada faces a “crisis of access” when it comes to mental health services, in part because as stigma recedes more people are seeking care. ...
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E-Mental Health Logo

RE-AIMing e-Mental Health: A Rapid Review of Current Research

Recommendations Recommendation 1: Scale Up Existing Services Experience gleaned from the rapid review shows the process of integrating e-mental health as a routine health care ...
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BACKGROUNDER – Case Study Research Project – Final Report

What is the purpose of the case study research project? In February 2014, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) initiated a national three-year Case ...
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Strengthening the Case for Investing in Canada’s Mental Health System

This report was published in 2017. The data may be out of date. Smart spending on mental health is an investment in Canada’s mental wealth. ...
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Strengthening the Case for Investing – Backgrounder

This report was published in 2017. The data may be out of date. Strengthening the Case for Investing in Canada’s Mental Health System: Economic Considerations ...
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Roundtable: Advancing Best Practices in e-Mental Health in Canada

Key Findings The following emerged from the roundtable as clear principles for future action on e-Mental health:
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Implementing the National Standard in the Canadian Health Sector

Purpose This cross-case analysis examines progress in implementation of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) by healthcare sector ...
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Issue Brief – Workplace Mental Health

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