If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


A map of Canada with the Northwest Territories highlighted

NWT-focused Mental Health and Substance Use Services and Supports for People Leaving Correctional Settings

The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority delivers health and social services on a regional basis. Free and confidential mental health counselling services are ...
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A map of Canada with the province of Ontario highlighted.

Ontario-focused Mental Health and Substance Use Services and Supports for People Leaving Correctional Settings

Ontario features some unique centralization of relevant resources, including the Government of Ontario-funded ConnexOntario. Specific to the population of interest for this project are the ...
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Suicide Risk Assessment Toolkit

This Toolkit seeks to provide a high-level overview of what to consider when using suicide risk assessment tools, along with a non-exhaustive list of available ...
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Cover image for the Starter Kit: For the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students IN THE COVID-19 CONTEXT AND BEYOND. The graphic shows a collection of icons organized to look like a brain.

Starter Kit: For the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students

This tool is designed to support Canadian post-secondary institutions as they begin aligning with the voluntary National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being ...
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Documents folder with paper sheets. Flat illustration of folder with checklist icon for web. Contract papers. Document. Folder with stamp and text. Contract signing

Government Engagement Toolkit

Governments from coast to coast to coast have a direct interest in making investments that improve the mental health and wellness of people living in ...
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On a white background, we see the logos of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (a spark with blue and green lines) and HealthCareCan, as well as their logo for their shared work on mental health in health-care workplaces: Committed to Psychological Health & Safety in Healthcare. Beneath the logos we read the title of the document in large light blue letters, "Caring for Healthcare". The subtitle sits on a yellow box, "A toolkit for psychological health and safety in workplaces". On the right hand side are a number of icons meant to invoke the concept of mental health in the workplace, such as a person in a suit who is meditating, another person in a suit who is planting a flag, and another delivering a presentation.

Caring for Healthcare – A toolkit for psychological health and safety in healthcare workplaces

ABOUT THIS TOOLKIT The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) gives organizations in all sectors a framework ...
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On a white background, we see the Order of Excellence for Workplace Mental Health at the top left and the logo of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, a spark made up of green and blue lines in the top right corner. Below, in white text on a blue background, we find the document's title, "A Practical Toolkit to Help Employers Build an Inclusive Workforce". Below the text is an illustration of a conductor and an orchestra consisting of 5 members: a flutist, a cellist in a wheelchair, a harpist, a percussionist playing the timpani, and a trombonist.

A Practical Toolkit to Help Employers Build an Inclusive Workforce

A Practical Toolkit to Help Employers Build an Inclusive Workforce is meant to help human resources (HR) professionals and those with HR, wellness and diversity ...
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On a white background, we see the Order of Excellence for Mental Health in the Workplace in the top left corner and the logo of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, a spark made up of green and blue lines in the top right corner. Beneath the logos, we read the title of the document in varying shades of blue, "Toolkit for e-Mental Health Implementation." Underneath the title is a dark blue astronaut zooming through the stars. There is a wire connected to the front of the astronaut's suit. Along the wire are different icons. From right to left: - two white speech bubbles in a medium blue circle - a white desktop computer connecting to the cloud in a light blue circle - a white pulse monitor with a lock, indicating the security of health information, in a medium blue circle - two white smartphones in a dark blue circle - a white computer monitor with code on the screen in a medium blue background - a white play button (a triangle pointed to the right inside of a rectangle) in a light blue circle

Toolkit for e-Mental Health Implementation

What is e-mental health? The term e-mental health refers to the use of the internet and other electronic communication technologies to deliver mental health information ...
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On a light blue background, we read in white text, “Toolkit for people who have been impacted by a suicide loss.” Beneath it, we see a white toolbox. We see 8 circles that contain images which represent the tools in the toolbox. To the left of the toolkit, we find a light blue envelope in a white circle, a white phone and a white speech bubble instead a dark blue circle, and a white WIFI symbol inside of a medium blue circle. Inside the toolbox, there is a dark blue circle with two white speech bubbles and a medium blue circle that shows to stick figures with one putting its arm around the other. To the right of the toolbox is a dark blue circle with two white hands that are holding up a white speech bubble (the MHCC uses this icon for their #ShareHope suicide prevention wall), a medium blue circle with a white heart, and a white circle with a light blue smartphone.

Toolkit for people who have been impacted by a suicide loss

What it is The Mental Health Commission of Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, the Centre for Suicide Prevention, the Public ...
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