If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


Working towards Recovery: Lessons on employment supports from CMHA Ottawa

Description: The unemployment rate of people with serious mental illness can be as high as 90% in certain segments of the population and many more ...
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Does the Self-Directed Funding Model Work in Mental Health?

Description: Recovery-oriented practice affirms a person’s right to exercise self-determination, to exercise personal control, to make decisions and to learn and grow through experience. Can ...
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Case Study Research Project – The findings are in!

Description: Launched in 2014, the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) Case Study Research project followed over 40 organizations (representing over 250,000 employees) from various ...
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Substance Use and Suicide among Youth: Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Description: Join Dr. Robyn McQuaid from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) to learn about CCSA’s recent report, titled Substance Use and Suicide among ...
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Incorporating the Family Voice into Recovery-Oriented Care

Description: There is growing recognition that family caregivers – whether relatives or people chosen from a larger circle of support – can provide emotional, social ...
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Integrating Peer Support With Integrity

Description: There is a growing body of evidence for the effectiveness of peer support in recovery. Peers bring experiential expertise that can help shape the ...
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Building a Mentally Healthy Culture: The Royal Canadian Mint

Description: Small Steps, Big Impacts. Talented people are a pillar of the Royal Canadian Mint’s vision. During this session, Jennifer Richardson, Director, Corporate Health, Safety ...
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A New Way of Measuring Recovery: Personal Recovery Outcome Measure

Description: Consistent measurement and evaluation of recovery practices remains a common challenge within the mental health field. Join Dr. Skye Barbic in a discussion on ...
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An Introduction to Person-Centered Planning

Description: Join Dr. Janis Tondora to learn about person-centered planning and its importance in recovery-oriented practice. As an emerging practice in mental health systems, person-centered ...
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