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Psychologically Healthy Workplaces, Trauma, and Resilience

Description: During this webinar Dr. Jeff Morley will touch briefly on Canada’s National Standard for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace, then focus on ...
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Mindfulness in Action: Experience Less Stress, More Joy, Peak Performance

Description: From the Globe and Mail to the cover of Time magazine, mindfulness is everywhere and it’s not surprising – this ancient wisdom tradition is ...
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Recovery Education Centres – STAR Learning Centre

Description: Join staff and members from the STAR (Supporting Transitions and Recovery) Learning Centre at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto to learn about recovery education ...
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A First Nations woman is smiling in front of a crowd of people. | Une femme des Premières Nations sourit devant une foule de gens.

Working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis: Spotlight on First Nations

Description: There is common ground between recovery principles and shared Indigenous understandings of wellness that provides a rich opportunity for learning and for strengthening mental ...
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Take care of those providing care: Psychological Health and Safety in Canadian Healthcare Settings

Description: Mentally Healthy Workplaces Benefit Patients and Healthcare Workers Alike Our country’s healthcare providers are essential to ensuring the efficient, effective and safe delivery of ...
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people hugging

Responding to the Diverse Needs of Everyone Living in Canada

Description: This webinar will discuss how recovery-oriented practice is about appreciating the rich diversity of Canada’s population in order to better respect the choices people ...
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Recovery Occurs in the Context of One’s Life

Description: This webinar will explore the Guidelines required for recovery-oriented practice to address the multiple factors that contribute to mental health problems and illnesses. Even ...
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School is in: Helping those who educate

Description: Learn about breaking down stigma and starting the conversation on mental health Workplaces must play a key role in promoting mental health and preventing ...
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Coworkers embracing and talking at the office

Don’t isolate those working in isolation

Description: Companies of all shapes and sizes can have employees who feel isolated, needing more support from employers Workplaces, no matter the size or industry, ...
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