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Statement by Louise Bradley, President & CEO of the Mental Health Commission of Canada on Federal Budget 2017

On behalf of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Louise Bradley, President and CEO made the following statement: “The Mental Health Commission of Canada applauds ...
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OPEN LETTER: Health Ministers Urged to Use New Mental Health Commission of Canada Report to Guide Smart Spending on Mental Health

The Hon. Jane Philpott, P.C., M.P., Minister of HealthThe Hon. Brandy Payne, Alberta Associate Minister of HealthThe Hon. Terry Lake, British Columbia Minister of HealthThe ...
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Statement on Government of Canada’s New Comprehensive Drug Strategy from Louise Bradley, President and CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada

“The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) commends the Government of Canada for its decision to restore harm reduction as a core pillar of Canada’s ...
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Statement on Federal-Provincial-Territorial Health Negotiations by Louise Bradley, President and CEO Mental Health Commission of Canada

The Mental Health Commission of Canada urges all levels of government to work together to ensure that additional funding is provided within the Health Accord ...
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Statement on Mental Health Recommendations in the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Pre-budget Report by Louise Bradley, President and CEO Mental Health Commission of Canada

“The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) applauds the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance for highlighting the importance of improved mental health as ...
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Statement on the National Housing Strategy by Louise Bradley, President and CEO Mental Health Commission of Canada

“On the heels of the release of the At Home/Chez Soi Sustainability Study, which highlights the effectiveness of the Housing First approach, the Mental Health ...
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Statement for Survivors of Suicide Loss Day by Louise Bradley, President & CEO of the Mental Health Commission

“Tomorrow, we pause to remember lives cut short by suicide.  Every year, 4,000 people in Canada take their own lives. As shocking as this number ...
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Statement by Louise Bradley, President & CEO of the Mental Health Commission to mark Remembrance Day

On behalf of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Louise Bradley, President and CEO made the following statement: “On November 11th we pause to remember ...
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OPEN LETTER: Three Leading National Mental Health Organizations Call for Targeted Mental Health Funding in the Health Accord

Ottawa, ON The Hon. Sarah Hoffman, Alberta Minister of HealthThe Hon. Terry Lake, British Columbia Minister of HealthThe Hon. Kelvin Goertzen, Manitoba Minister of Health, ...
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