What is #308conversations?
More tools for suicide prevention are needed. #308conversations is a grassroots campaign spearheaded by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) in May 2014, inviting each of Canada’s 308 Members of Parliament (MPs) and other community leaders to lead a conversation in their community about suicide prevention.
Who is part of #308conversations?
Anyone who wants to be, including you! Canadians share responsibility with all levels of our government to raise the public profile of mental health issues and encourage open discussion about the importance of suicide prevention. The MHCC is pleased to invite community leaders to use our #308conversations communications kit, which has the resources to help organize local suicide prevention events.
What is available to help me host a #308conversation event?
To help you get started, check out the MHCC’s 30-minute webinar featuring the keys to hosting a safe and successful suicide prevention event. Below are links to the #308conversations Event Kit resources, including templates and detailed information to support your efforts to raise awareness of the need for suicide prevention in your community:
- Backgrounder
- Discussion guide
- Proposed agenda and event scenario
- Public notices
- News release
- Public messaging article (opinion-editorial piece)
- Facilitator questions
- PowerPoint™ template
- Thank-you letters for guest speakers
Read the #308conversations Report or for more information contact us.