Consensus Conference on the Mental Health of Emerging Adults: Making Transitions a Priority in Canada

Conference Presentations
THEME 1: Defining emerging adulthood as a stage of life
- An Anthropological Lens on the World of Emerging Adults
Presentation by Gilles Bibeau on the critical characteristics and experiences of emerging adults and what we know about their mental health status. - Vulnerable populations: One missed opportunity after another
Presentation by Chris Richardson on vulnerable populations and who emerging adults are.
THEME 2: Bridging the gap between child and youth mental health services and adult mental health services
- Bridging the gap between child and youth mental health services and adult mental health services
Presentation by Simon Davidson on how well the mental health system responds to the needs of emerging adults, what are the critical gaps and some potential solutions to address these gaps. - Lasting Solutions for Emerging Adults with Mental Ill-health : Genuine Reform not Transitional Band aids
Presentation by Patrick McGorry on lasting solutions for emerging adults with mental ill-health.
THEME 3: Transitions across system sectors
- Experts by Experience: EA and Family Engagement as a “Non-Negotiable” in Creating and Sustaining Systems of Care
Presentation by Angela Burden on emerging adults’ family engagement as non-negotiable in creating and sustaining systems of care. - Emerging Adults Who Are … Emerging From Child Welfare Care
Presentation by Alan Leschied on emerging adults who are emerging from child welfare care and who have unique needs. - Facilitated service integration: Because no one has cornered this market
Presentation by Steve Mathias on facilitated service integration and what services and elements are needed to integrate them. - Transitions between Secondary and Postsecondary
Presentation by Catherine Willinsky on transitions between secondary and postsecondary education.
THEME 4: Mechanisms for improving mental health system responsiveness
- The Mental Health System: What needs to change?
Presentation by Stan Kutcher on the mental health system, what needs to change, and focusing on meeting the health needs of youth. - Northern Perspectives, Northern Realities
Presentation by Andy Langford on northern perspectives and northern realities. - The Mental Health System: What needs to change?
Presentation by Catherine Pryce on what is needed at each tier and across the continuum of mental health care to ensure appropriate services are available to support emerging adults.