If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Sign the Recovery Declaration

The recovery declaration is a call to action for individuals and organizations to not only learn about and promote an understanding of recovery, but to work towards a fully recovery-oriented mental health system across Canada. MHCC will support this process by sharing best, leading and promising practices and by continuing to develop and promote practical tools and resources.

Every endorsement, by individuals or by organizations, is important and will contribute to broadening awareness and strengthening the momentum behind recovery.

View all Recovery declaration signatories

Please note that only those with legal signing authority for an agency or organization are able to provide a corporate endorsement or commitment.

By signing this declaration I/We recognize that recovery-oriented care is a right and responsibility that requires commitment and action, and I/we commit to:

  • Learn from people with lived experience by acknowledging and valuing their experiential knowledge and engage them in all aspects of service planning, delivery, research, and evaluation.
  • Promote recovery as primary work, not as an optional or supplementary goal.
  • Promote full citizenship by building service partnerships that support recovery both within and outside the mental health sector.
  • Learn and continuously improve by embracing new work practices and keeping up to date on emerging best practices.