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Janelle Jordan

Black demonstrator people holding hands against racism

Rallying while Black

After the murder of George Floyd, and further acts of anti-Black racism and discrimination, many African, Caribbean, and Black people came forward...
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broccoli and donut

Chew on This: The comfort food complex needs a rethink.

They’re called comfort foods for a reason: sugar, salt, and carbs give us a quick boost of flavour and familiarity. Making the case for comforting ...
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Why food affects mood (and how healthy nutrition can improve it)

Why food affects mood (and how healthy nutrition can improve it)

From the food choices we make, to what we put on our plate, our brain demands the most energy from our food. Dr. Bonnie J. ...
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hybrid work meeting

Leading With Mental Health in Mind: Tips for Managers in a Hybrid Workplace

The shift to permanent hybrid office schedules in post-pandemic workplaces presents a unique challenge for managers and team leaders. Although flexible work has been shown ...
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