From Mental Health Commission of Canada
On behalf of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) board of directors, executive leadership team, and staff, congratulations to all 338 MPs elected to represent your constituencies in Ottawa during the 44th Parliament. My thanks also go out to those MPs not re-elected for their loyal service to their constituents.
In these unprecedented times, addressing the mental health and substance use needs of people in Canada has never been more pressing. We know that rates of depression and anxiety have increased across the board, and isolation measures have weighed heavily on those who were living with mental illness or problematic substance use prior to COVID-19. To achieve parity between mental and physical health, we need all hands on deck.
As the pan-Canadian voice on mental health, the MHCC is available to all MPs wishing to gain knowledge, access resources, or become more involved in mental health advocacy. If the topic is new to you, or to your staff, our COVID-19 resource hub is a great place to start. The hub includes tip sheets on everything from choosing mental health resources wisely to talking to someone in crisis, along with lots of other practical information.
Another simple way to become more engaged as a mental health champion is familiarizing yourself with non-stigmatizing language so we can all contribute to meaningful discussions. The MHCC’s language matters guide is a handy tool for anyone communicating on the topic.
Finally, as you face the pressures of balancing the demands of your role with the realities of family life during this challenging period, we urge you to reach out for wellness supports, when and where you need them.
There isn’t a single community in this country untouched by mental illness, problematic substance use, and suicide, just as there isn’t anyone who doesn’t need to promote and protect their mental health — and that includes MPs, especially during this time of transition. As your partner in mental health and wellness, we are here to help.
Michel Rodrigue
President and CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada
Media Relations
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