If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Alex Barankevych

Anya Nicola

How building a support system helps my mental health

I'm hoping that by sharing some of my personal experiences (because I'm still learning new lessons myself daily), I can help someone else out there.
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Top three things I learned from MHFA training

Top three things I learned from MHFA training

Several months ago, I had the opportunity to participate in Mental Health First Aid training for the first time. It was an eye-opening experience that ...
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Politics, protesters and mental health

Just as 2022 was lifting off, residents of Ottawa watched with curiosity and then growing dismay as a parade of large, honking transportation trucks moved ...
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Garth Laidlaw

Seven ways to cope with the winter blues

Winter blues are more common than you might think. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that people in northern climates usually experience ...
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MHCC Blog Guidelines

MHCC Blog Guidelines

The MHCC Blog gives mental health experts and people with lived and living experience a chance to share their stories and insights on a wide ...
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Canada’s homelessness service sector workforce: Supporting the overlooked essential worker

News Release From Mental Health Commission of Canada November 30, 2021— Ottawa, Ontario As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, a new policy brief from the Centre ...
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Mental Health Commission of Canada Statement: Throne Speech

Statement From Mental Health Commission of Canada November 23, 2021– Ottawa, Ontario The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) applauds a Speech from the Throne ...
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Mental Health Commission of Canada gives thanks, offers support this Remembrance Day

Statement From Mental Health Commission of Canada November 10, 2021— Ottawa, Ontario As we prepare to mark Remembrance Day, the Mental Health Commission of Canada ...
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The Working Mind Logo

The Working Mind training goes virtual

If there was ever a need for crisis training, it was during the onset of COVID-19. That’s one reason the Mental Health Commission of Canada ...
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