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High Cost of Living and Mental Health

This webinar offers insights on the mental health impacts of the high cost of living on diverse communities and explores the complex relationship between mental health and money, housing, food, access to services, and disability benefits. We also look at government responses to date and discuss what more needs to be done.

The webinar included the following participants:


  • Ed Mantler, Senior Vice-President and Chief Program Officer, Mental Health Commission of Canada


  • Aseefa Sarang, Executive Director, Across Boundaries: An Ethnoracial Mental Health Centre
  • Katherine Scott, Senior Researcher, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  • Margaret Murray, Branch Co-Manager/Building Bridges Manager, Canadian Mental Health Association, Halifax-Dartmouth Branch
  • Em Alexander, Co-Chair, Youth Council, Mental Health Commission of Canada
  • Katerina Kalenteridis, Policy and Research Analyst, Mental Health Commission of Canada

For more information, please read our webinar Q&A document!

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