If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Saskatchewan Division (CMHA-SK), and with the support of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health, developed this toolkit to reach youth and people who support youth in Saskatchewan. Adapted from a resource developed by the MHCC entitled “Toolkit for people who have been impacted by a suicide attempt,” this toolkit provides information on what a young person can do if they are thinking about suicide, and how loved ones and helpers can support youth who are thinking of suicide. This toolkit has been designed by Saskatchewan youth, for Saskatchewan youth. Youth across Saskatchewan participated in focus groups at high schools and completed surveys through CMHA-SK’s online services, and previously collected data from youth, school counsellors, and youth workers in Saskatchewan was used to inform this toolkit. This ensured that best practices and evidence-based concepts were incorporated, and that this topic was treated in a sensitive and real way. Within this resource, youth can learn about: People who support youth can learn about: It also includes a comprehensive list of crisis and non-crisis resources available for Saskatchewan youth, as well as a fillable Safety Plan. Special thank you to the Saskatchewan high schools that participated in focus groups, the people at the Embracing Life Initiative, who shared their research and knowledge from Northern Saskatchewan, and all the individual participants who contributed to the discussion, even though suicide can be a difficult topic.
When and where to seek help if you are thinking about suicide in Saskatchewan