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Home › Resources › Raising awareness of men’s mental health

Raising awareness of men’s mental health

Seeking help is a sign of strength.
Be the voice of change for other men.
Start talking about your mental health today.

Attention around men’s health—particularly mental health—is gaining momentum in Canada. While men and women
both live with mental health problems and illnesses, their experiences can be very different.

Although rates of mental illness are comparable between men and women, men are less likely to recognize, talk about, and seek treatment for their illness.

Did you know…
• New fathers are susceptible to paternal postpartum depression. While up to 10% of men experienced symptoms within six months of their child’s birth, men are not often screened for postpartum depression.
• Diagnostic methods for depression tend to assess symptoms more commonly presented by women—such as sadness and crying—and ignore symptoms of depression that are common among men—including physical pain, anger or irritability.
• In Canada, 80% of people who die by suicide are men.
• The mental health of adolescent boys and young men needs more attention and resources because intervening early is the best predictor of a healthier adulthood.

Learn more:

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Gender is one of many contributing factors in suicide. While women more frequently attempt suicide, men die by suicide more often, accounting for 75% of suicide deaths in Canada each year....

Of the estimated 4,000 suicide deaths in Canada each year, close to 75% are men. This resource summarizes the key takeaways from the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Men:...

Of the estimated 4,000 suicide deaths in Canada each year, 75% are men. Suicide is the country’s second leading cause of death for men aged 15-39 (after accidental death). Research...