If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.
THE HALTON COMMUNITY Halton is a rapidly growing community with a population of 600,000 (an increase of about 60 per cent from 2001 to 2021). The Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition (HSPC) was created in 2004. The HSPC’s membership includes representatives from the following organizations: Additional members include those who are interested, and individuals affected by suicide. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS COMMUNITY IMPACT These actions have helped us use both quantitative data and the experiences of HSPC members to explore the suicide prevention priorities in our community. The 5 pillars have also helped us ground and organize our initial planning and the creation of our work plan by encouraging us to explore what we are doing well and what improvements we can make. Networking with other communities to learn about their successes has also helped inform our planning. Through our data-gathering efforts, we were able to identify gaps and needs that will allow us to advocate for consistency and data collection that is meaningful and useful to the community and to suicide prevention outcomes.