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Home › Resources › Sustaining Implementation of the Workplace Standard: One-year follow-up study with Case Study Research Project participants

Sustaining Implementation of the Workplace Standard: One-year follow-up study with Case Study Research Project participants

This resource was published in 2017. The data may be out of date.  

On average, the 25 participating organizations sustained their level of implementation of the Standard overall, including each of the 5 Elements over the one-year follow-up, in absence of external supports or resources. This is a very positive and encouraging finding.

There was, however, some variability in implementation sustainment – some organizations regressed in their level of implementation of the Standard while others improved. This tells us that there is an opportunity to provide additional support for organizations implementing the Standard, particularly those experiencing challenges.

Improving psychological health and safety in the Canadian workplace through implementation of the Standard involves change in organizational culture. Such change can be difficult, time-consuming and may fail. The current project involved a relatively brief period and it has yet to be determined if the gains made will persevere and become engrained in the organizations. Nevertheless, the current findings are very heartening and do provide encouragement and useful guidance for other organizations as they move to adopt the Standard.

The findings of this study reinforce and amplify the conclusions from the CSRP and point to several recommendations to support current and future organizations intent on adopting the Standard and sustaining their progress:

  • The tools and resources created by the MHCC and key community stakeholders to support implementation of the Standard should continue to be available to interested organizations.
  • Tools that measure and enhance employee awareness, trust and participation are particularly relevant to sustained implementation success.
  • Organizational commitment to implementation of the Standard should be regularly reviewed and communicated to staff.
  • Organizations should engage in succession planning to ensure that necessary resources, personnel and leadership are in place to sustain progress.
  • Routinization of programs, policies and practices identified by the Standard will enhance sustainment.
  • Careful evaluation of actions intended to address workplace psychological health and safety should be used to determine whether they are continued, modified or dropped.

Successful implementation of the Standard calls for organizational change and such change takes time.

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