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World Suicide Prevention Day – Empowering Communities to Change the Narrative on Suicide

On September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day, we join others in sharing the key message that suicide is preventable. Every year, approximately 4,500 Canadians lose their lives to suicide, and more than 200 make an attempt each day—numbers that remind us that we urgently need a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention.

This year, we are focusing on the essential role of community-led initiatives in preventing suicide by highlighting experiences of those using the Roots of Hope model. Since 2018, Roots of Hope has been implemented in over 20 Canadian communities and has been the model of choice in four provinces and one territory.

“After a death by suicide in our community, we wanted to ensure that everyone knew help was within reach. Roots of Hope gave us a flexible framework to start important community conversations about mental health and suicide prevention. It inspired us to develop new supports like a suicide loss support group while enhancing our existing suicide prevention training offerings.” – Maria Weaver, Community Coordinator, Sooke-West Shore, British Columbia

“Roots of Hope transformed our community’s approach to suicide prevention by breaking down silos and fostering collaboration among diverse organizations. We implemented projects like lock boxes for safe medication storage and increased mental health awareness through radio ads, social media, and comedy events featuring lived experts. It is undeniable the positive impact it has had at ground level and on professionals in the field.” – Thyra Berg, Advisory Committee Member, Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan

National Support for Community-Led Initiatives

The recent inclusion of Roots of Hope in the National Suicide Prevention Action Plan (NSPAP), announced by the Government of Canada on May 31, 2024, is a direct outcome of the pioneering work done by the communities. We are so proud of the impact they have made in supporting those in crisis, their families, and their broader community.

In alignment with the NSPAP, Roots of Hope supports communities with rigorous data collection and impact measurement. The model is also grounded in evidence-informed practices, focuses on specialized supports, and fosters effective collaboration through dedicated community coordinators and a National Community of Practice. By bringing local expertise into focus, the model helps communities better identify service gaps and priority groups, ensuring interventions meet their unique needs.

“I encourage communities, provinces, and territories to connect with us to see how Roots of Hope can enhance their existing suicide prevention efforts or support new ones. Join us in working together toward a unified goal: reducing the impact of suicide and promoting life through community-led initiatives and national knowledge sharing.” – Michel Rodrigue, President & CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada.

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The Mental Health Commission of Canada is a catalyst for change, an organization designed to recommend improvements to the mental health system on a national level. We are not directly involved in individual cases of advocacy, outreach, service delivery or local supports.