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Gender is one of many contributing factors in suicide. While women more frequently attempt suicide, men die by suicide more often, accounting for 75% of suicide deaths in Canada each year….
The Skills for Safer Living program is an intervention for people who experience persistent suicide ideation and behaviours. Skills for Safer Living seeks to equip participants with the skills and…
Children with a broad range of coping skills overcome challenging situations more easily and experience less emotional distress. The webinar described two universal school-based mental health promotion programs. “Zippy’s Friends,”…
This fact sheet was published in 2021. The data may be out of date. Although suicide is preventable, rates in Canada have remained relatively stable over the last two decades….
Description: Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. Preventing a death by suicide does not always need an expert; it is something we all can do. We can all learn skills to…
Description: This French webinar allows participants to learn about the implementation of good practices in suicide prevention in Quebec: an innovative project. Dr. Julie Lane will touch on the suicide…
Description: Recovery becomes possible through a culture of hope. People who benefit from this culture are also responsible for maintaining it, namely people with mental health problems, service providers along…
Description: Join Dr. Robyn McQuaid from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) to learn about CCSA’s recent report, titled Substance Use and Suicide among Youth: Prevention and Intervention Strategies….