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HomeQuality Mental Health Care Network

Quality Mental Health Care Network

What is the network?

Co-led by HealthCareCAN and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the Quality Mental Health Care Network (QMHCN), established in 2019, unites health-sector leaders from across the country to help improve access to quality mental health care, including stigma reduction, support recovery oriented practices and promote the psychological health and safety of health care workers.

The QMHCN builds on the work of the former By Health, For Health collaborative, a group of 20 health-care organizations committed to providing psychologically healthy and safe work environments in health care.

What the network is doing 

The network’s Quality Mental Health Care Framework is a key tool in the development of leading practices in quality mental health care in Canada.

The framework builds on the Health Standards Organization/Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s Canadian Quality and Patient Safety Framework for Health and Social Services and includes the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care and Quadruple Aim approaches to the inclusion of providers in quality care.

Developed with input from experts, including health-care administrators, practitioners, and people with lived and living experience of mental health problems or illnesses and/or substance use, the framework supports recovery-oriented practice, addresses stigma, and improves access to quality mental health care.

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A Vision for Quality Mental Health Care for All   

A brief video about an individual’s overwhelming journey to access quality mental health care. Learn how you and your organization can improve the experience for all. Explore the Quality Mental Health Care Framework’s 10 quality of care dimensions — for patients and providers alike.

Quality Mental Health Care Framework – Presentation and Resources 

A PowerPoint overview of the Quality Mental Health Framework to help raise awareness in your organization and get buy-in to implement it. It includes links to resources that can assist you in bringing its 10 dimensions to life.

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Quality Mental Health Care Framework – Infographic     

A description of the framework’s 10 dimensions, used to focus efforts to address quality mental health care for patients and providers alike.

Quality Mental Health Care Framework – Policy brief     

A document that provides an overview of the QMHCN, the development of the framework, and the components of quality mental health care.

Quality Mental Health Care Framework – Journal article     

“The Quality Mental Health Care Network: A Roadmap to Improving Quality Mental Healthcare in Canada,” published by Healthcare Management Forum in January 2021, discusses findings from the scan, interviews, and focus groups used to develop the framework.