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Home › Resources › Starter Kit: For the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students

Starter Kit: For the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students

This tool is designed to support Canadian post-secondary institutions as they begin aligning with the voluntary National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students.

Three out of every four mental health problems have been first diagnosed between the ages of 16 and 24, when many are in or just out of post-secondary education. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic heightened many of the issues students were already facing, making it even more challenging for institutions to support them.

The Standard was developed in response to these needs and to help post-secondary institutions create environments that foster student mental health and well-being. Building on the success of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, it gives post-secondary institutions a framework and guiding principles to support the development of policies, procedures, and practices that promote student mental health and well-being — during COVID-19 and beyond.

Post-secondary institutions can use this Starter Kit as an initial resource to build momentum toward aligning with the Standard.

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