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Home › Resources › Strategies for Post-Secondary Student Mental Health during COVID

Strategies for Post-Secondary Student Mental Health during COVID

This resource can help Canada’s post-secondary community build and improve their student mental health strategies — based on emerging evidence on COVID-19 and guided by the National Standard for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students (the Standard).

To better understand the pandemic’s ongoing impact, we supported a national survey conducted by the Campus Mental Health community of practice from the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS). The survey assessed the challenges, needs, and resources for 69 campuses between 2020 and 2021 and allowed mental health professionals and student affairs leaders to share their experiences. This guiding document connects its findings and recommendations with the Standard.

See the complete survey results, available from CACUSS: Campus Mental Health Across Canada: The Ongoing Impact of COVID-19.

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