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Home › Resources › Toward Quality Mental Health Care: Dismantling Structural Stigma

Toward Quality Mental Health Care: Dismantling Structural Stigma

Hear from health-care experts offering their insights on the stigma-free and inclusive dimension of the Quality Mental Health Care Framework, focusing on the crucial concept of structural stigma. Our expert panel shares practical strategies, tools, and resources to effectively address structural stigma, offering innovative ways to prevent stigmatizing practices within health-care organizations.


  • Bill Hill (Ro’nikonkatste), co-CEO of Noojimo Health, Canada’s first all-Indigenous virtual mental health clinic
  • Jodi Younger, Vice-President, Patient Care and Quality at St. Joseph’s Health Care London
  • Samaria Nancy Cardinal, Patient Partner, Patients for Patient Safety Canada
  • Stephanie Knaak, Senior Research Consultant, Mental Health Commission of Canada
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Structural stigma in policies and models of care means unequal treatment for people living with mental health versus physical health conditions. Accredited by the Canadian College of Health Leaders, and...

Addressing stigma in health care is crucial for individuals with mental health or substance use issues. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has developed two tools, the Stigma Cultures in...

Mental health affects everyone, including health-care workers. This video tells the story of an individual who finds access to quality mental health care services — but only after an overwhelming...