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Home › Resources › What is Stepped Care 2.0? (infographic)

What is Stepped Care 2.0? (infographic)

This resource was published in 2021. The data may be out of date.

What is Stepped Care 2.0?

Developed by Dr. Peter Cornish, and championed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), Stepped Care 2.0© (SC2.0) is a transformative model for the delivery of mental health and addictions services. SC2.0’s recovery-oriented approach provides quick and flexible access to a range of resources and services, including online options.

SC2.0 is expanding across Canada.

In 2017–18, SC2.0 contributed to a 68% decrease in wait times for mental health and addictions services in Newfoundland and Labrador.

What is SC2.0’s impact?

Helping service users:

~70% rated the quality of e-mental health (e-MH) tools as “good” or “excellent.”
~80% reported that e-MH tools met at least some of their needs.

On a medium green background, the following quote in black text is attributed to a person with lived experience. Before Stepped Care 2.0, "it was like waiting to get access to a backhoe when all you need is a shovel."
Before Stepped Care 2.0. “it was like waiting to get access to a backhoe when all you need is a shovel.”

Helping providers:

  • Increased their comfort and familiarity with online care options.
  • Supported the development of their practice.
“I have more time and flexibility. Clients come in or book a time with me when they want service [which] opens up my schedule.”

MHCC and Stepped Care Solutions (SCS) provide:

  • Solution Finding Support
  • Implementation Expertise

MHCC also provides:

  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Project Management
  • Communication & Knowledge Exchange Support

SCS also provides:

  • Training & Consultation
  • Change Management

Ready to learn more about Stepped Care 2.0©?

Learn more about the values and benefits of SC2.0

Learn what makes SC2.0 different

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Watch the webinar co-hosted by the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Stepped Care Solutions, focusing on the benefits, successes, and lessons learned for SC2.0 highlighted by provincial, territorial, and...