The CatalystConversations on Mental Health

When Dr. Patricia Lingley Pottie was about to graduate high school on Nova Scotia’s south shore in the early eighties, she was given the results of a new computerized aptitude test — which she calls a “very primitive precursor to today’s artificial intelligence, albeit a pioneer in its day.”
Read moreAimee LeBlanc loved winter. She spent her honeymoon in the Yukon in late summer, freezing in the back of a pickup with a hardtop camper. Aimee and her husband Dan were a devoted couple who made the most of life’s adventures, big and small.
Read moreIn a recent interview with psychologist and past president of the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Dr. Keith Dobson, the MHCC asked why our New Year’s resolutions almost always fail and how to incorporate meaningful change in our lives.
Read moreOn the heels of another successful Bell Let’s Talk Day, it’s important to keep the conversation going. On January 29th, texts and tweets raised a staggering $7,719,371.25 million to support mental health, reinforcing what the Mental Health Commission of Canada has long known to be true: mental health matters to people in Canada.
Read moreRefocus in 2020
The beginning of a new year is synonymous with change. But as our resolutions abound, the pressures of ambitious goals and new routines can take precedence over our mental health.
Read morePrevention, innovation, and collaboration
MHCC president and CEO Louise Bradley anticipates greater impact and collaboration in the year ahead
Read moreA place free from judgement
Everyone had heard that the KAIROS Blanket Exercise could be emotionally difficult.
Read moreGive back, feel better
How to become more connected with others, combat social isolation, improve your physical health, and bring fun and fulfilment into your life.
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Sharing your story: How to do it safely
Giving voice to your experience is important — but so is protecting your mental wellness
Read moreOn the heels of World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10) and the launch of the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC’s) national suicide prevention project, Roots of Hope, the topic has been top of mind.
Read moreBanish Stigmatizing Language to Make Room for Understanding
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Read moreSpecial Edition: MHCC president and CEO recognized with national honour
“The last thing I was anticipating was to hear that I had been appointed as a member of the Order of Canada. I asked the caller if I could take down her name and number so I’d have proof this really happened!”
Read moreOver the next five years, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) will help close the research gap on the potential harms and benefits of cannabis use on mental health, providing a foundation for future policy decisions. Budget 2018 allocated $10 million over five years for this work.
Read moreCanada’s psychological safety standard is lauded at home and abroad
Read moreSpecial Edition: A sit down with the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Board Chair
To mark the Hon. Michael Wilson’s first full year as Mental Health Commission of Canada Board Chair, the Catalyst team met with him in Toronto in October, to get his reflections on progress to date, and the work still to come.
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